Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Mainstreaming of Palin? This Has Gotta Be Chappin' the Far Left's Behind!

And for that, I have to laugh tonight. She coming out with a book, she's on Oprah, she's doing photo ops with Barbara Walters, she has Hillary Clinton saying that she'd love to meet Palin. The Radical Progressives must be a stewin' tonight (!) and pondering their next hateful false rumor to concoct and spread about Palin.

For the record, my views on Palin have been made very clear in this space over time. She's a devout right-winger, I'm not, and I doubt that I could ever vote her, especially given my additional viewpoint that she's not exactly what I view to be presidential material -- sorry, but she's a little loopy (just a personal observation completely divorced from her viewpoints and ideology). And I've always contended that these characteristics make her virtually unelectable. But, I will say this about her: She seems to be a politician who has very much made a career of people underestimating her, and I'd be the first to admit that I could be underestimating her too.

Further, I'm don't mean to be all doom & gloom when it comes to Palin. Just because she may not be quite my cup of tea doesn't mean that I personally dislike her, because I don't. I respect a lot that she's originally from a ton of 9000, as I am, and I still recall how that fact played a huge role in me having a "moment of clarity" in 2008 concerning precisely what it was that Obama and his people were all about (the day McCain selected Palin, the first words in response from the Obama campaign were that McCain "has seen fit to choose a former mayor of a town of 9000 as his vice presidential running mate" -- that's Classic Liberal Elitism, and it only set in concrete for me the true colors of an Obama who was trying to convince us all that he was some kind of "moderate" -- But I digress).

The far left HATES Sarah Palin, mostly I believe because she does not act like she's supposed to act in the far left's eyes. She's an attractive, self-made woman, and so she's not supposed to be anything other than a liberal, at least in the slanted estimation of the far left. It's sort of Clarence Thomas-syndrome at work in my view. But to tie this off, Palin continues to be a fascinating political figure (even if I still ultimately think she's not a serious contender to ever be president), and despite my disagreement and misgivings with a lot of her ideology and rhetoric, I will still continue to defend the smalltown gal every time the radical left fabricates another one of their slimey rumors or false reports about Palin, because that kind of crap always rub me the wrong way. And in the meantime, we'll just keep watching the intriguing and ongoing political saga of one Sarah Palin.