Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Idiot Speaks!

He's warning us about federal government power and control getting too big! Stop the presses! This from the same fool who lied to us about the pretense to invade a sovereign country (Iraq) that he knew had no WMD's, and a goof who embraced big government spending like it was going out of style. Here's a question for all of you readers: What exactly did we do to deserve idiots like Bush as our president, backed with (the old phrase for 45 RPM Record B-Sides -- "time to play B-sides", as BOC so famously said, but I digress) Obama as the successor (the most radical in either direction president in American history). What did we do to deserve such a$$-clowns? What did we do? It's absolutely pathetic. Well, at least I never voted for either one of their sorry a$$es. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever vote for another dem or repub anytime soon. I think for myself, I am Independent, I eschew the doctrinaire thinking of these two extremist BS parties. They don't represent me. And they don't represent you. Join the Rager Revolution!