Monday, November 9, 2009

Good to Hear Obama Referring to Opponents of His Health Care Plan as "Extremists." Very Presidential.

(Link below)...And entirely consistent with the kinds of disrespectful statements (Nazis, right-wing extremists, brownshirts, etc.) we heard all summer long from congressional dems, who hurled the same at anyone that had the audacity to disagree with them on the health care reform issue. Nevermind that plenty of the dissenters were Independents, non-conservative repubs, and non-liberal dems. Yep, that's the world view of the far leftist "progressives" who control the dem party: Agree with every single one of their radical views or else it's you that's the extremist. Yawn. And, of course, the conservatives are little different when it comes to anyone who has the nerve to disagree with them on any issue. As I've said many times in this space, we are controlled by two little tent parties who do not represent me nor the huge swath of this country that is neither "progressive" nor "conservative." Good to see today that our illustrious president is no different, not that I have ever been under any illusions.