Monday, October 19, 2009

It Seems Very Clear to Me Why Obama Keeps Stalling on Adopting an Afghanistan Stategy. In a Word: Politics (What Else?).

It looks like he's going to stall this thing out as long as he possibly can until the Congress can (he hopes) pass some kind of health care reform bill. Because if he actually purports to adopt a coherent strategy for Afghanistan for the first time in his administration (which he should have done back in January), it will be controversial either way, and Obama does not want that gumming up the health care reform works. Smart politically? Probably. But who gives a rat's behind about politics where the lives of American boys (and ladies) are at stake? Obama needs to put politics aside (although I concede that's virtually impossible for just about any dem or repub president during my lifetime) and make a freakin' decision already -- you are the Commander in Chief, after all, Obama! I've been clear on this issue for months -- we have not had any kind of articulated or coherent plan in Afghanistan during the entire Obama administration (nor during much of the Bush years), and as a result, thousands of American lives have been lost while the politicians at home (both Bush and Obama) pay scant attention to Afghanistan. Well, I for one am SICK OF THIS $HIT. Obama needs to stop playing politics and put the lives of American troops above his petty political goals and aspirations. Period. Make a damn decision, for crying out loud! Either commit, with a coherent plan, to the new troops the commanders in the field say are necessary, or get us the hell out of there. Just do something!