Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Smells Like "Trigger" Spirit.

Predictions for what Obama may propose tomorrow night? It think it’s fairly clear that he will not be insisting upon a public option. There is the possibility of something along the lines of the bill that democratic Senator Max Baucus is working on, which would involve “public cooperatives” (whatever precisely that really means) rather than a public option, plus a requirement that all citizens obtain health insurance. But I think that’s improbable. Instead, I think what we’re probably going to hear from Obama is a proposal for the so-called “trigger.” The “trigger” means that the public option is only “triggered” if the private health insurance industry fails to meet some set of guidelines (who knows what those would be without a bill to look at) related to covering more uninsured persons.

As I’ve stated previously in this space, I am willing to listen to a plan that includes the “trigger,” but I will be looking very carefully at what’s being proposed. My fear is a “trigger” standard so rigid that a public option is almost certain to occur (I oppose a public option because I think it creates a very real danger of an eventual single payer system, which I oppose). Further, I can say that if we see Nancy Pelosi (whose “progressive” ultra left wing of the democratic party has previously hooted and howled at the “trigger” possibility) suddenly onboard with the “trigger,” then I’m going to be highly suspicious that something be rotten in Denmark. Put another way, if Pelosi’s suddenly onboard, it will be a huge red flag for me that the “trigger” is really just a disguised and guaranteed public option.

Also in the wind tonight: I have the additional fear that in connection with Obama’s speech tomorrow, we may well see congressional dems over the next 48 hours proclaim that they suddenly have a new and wonderful “compromise” bill, which they will likely claim is consistent with whatever Obama proposes tomorrow night. That’s the first part. The second part is that the dems will at the same time start pushing to vote on the “great compromise” within a few days before anyone gets a chance to read or digest it.

Bottom line: Watch out folks these upcoming days. The dems may well be lookin’ to hoodwink us and ram-rod another piece of legislation down our throats that we do not want. I hope I’m wrong, and I well could be. I’m just relaying what seems to be in the wind tonight, as best I can read the tea leaves.
