Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hey Washington Post: A Huge Number of the DC Protesters Today Are NOT "Conservatives."

Today's Washington Post article (link below) labeled all attendees at today's DC protests as "conservatives." As much as that stupid description would perfectly fit into the Post's slanted far-left world view, and as much as people on the far left love to call anyone who disagrees with them a "conservative" or a "right-wing extremist" or a "nazi" or a "racist," none of that B.S. can change the truth, which is the only thing that concerns me. And the truth is that a huge number of the protesters were a mixture of Independents, non-conservative republicans, and non-liberal democrats. Those people are the "middle." They are mainstream. They are America, and so many of them right now are fed up with these two sorry parties we have, both of which are bankrolled and completely controlled by their extremes. Obama & the Dems' polling numbers are in the tank, and yet republican support numbers have not climbed. That's the sign of a growing mass of Americans who are completely disillusioned with these two out-of-touch, clown parties. These are my people. They are me, and I am them. That's the audience this blog speaks to (sorry Jeeves for ending a sentence on a preposition). And there's nothing "conservative" about them. Hey Washington Post, what is that phrase that your ilk likes to use so much? "Inconvenient Truth," I think it is?