Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tonight I have officially turned myself in to the White House since I oppose its health CARE reform plan.

(As sent a few minutes ago...)
Subject: The Rager is turning himself in‏
Sent: Thu 8/06/09 8:51 PM

What up, White House?: In order to streamline the process just a tad, I am officially turning myself in to you tonight as someone who opposes your health CARE reform plan. And I duly qualify to turn myself in because there are plenty of "fishy" things going down on my blog. Check it out: Feel free to take a look at it, leave some comments (I always allow any and all comments), and even smile at the parts of it with which you agree (there should be at least a few). Heck, you can even put it on a list if you want -- I don't care. But I do oppose your health CARE reform plan, and so I felt very much compelled to turn myself in this night in response to the White House's blog post of a few days back. Peace out.

The Independent Rage