Sunday, August 30, 2009

Let's Debate the Health Care Reform Bill! Oops, There Isn't One.

I have to say I love how the far right and far left pundits and blogosphere have for weeks now been pointing to this obscure provision and that obscure provision from the so-called "health care reform bill." That's because there is no such bill, but rather several different versions between the House and Senate, and, as the link below explains, there's even a version (supported by the pictured Senator Chris Dodd) that has yet to be released to the public. So I say, let the right and left have all their endless little pissing matches over isolated language from these various versions on issues like "death panels," immigration and abortions. I'm much more interested in the actual bill upon which the House and Senate ultimately vote, and right now that's impossible to ascertain. My single largest concern continues to be the so-called "public option" and the possibility that it will be utilized to gradually transition to a single payer system (i.e. total government control of the health insurance industry). But how can even that issue be reasonably discussed when we now have no idea what's going to be contained in the actual bill that's voted upon in the House and Senate?

And a separate issue here is the most concerning to me. The secret Dodd version of the bill raises the specter of a rerun of what we saw when the massive cap-and-trade bill was ram-rodded through the House: 1000 plus pages of complex statutory jargon being passed without anyone having a chance to read it first, with 300 new pages added to the bill the same day it was voted upon and passed. Folks, these dem lawmakers in Congress are out of control, and it's clear to me that most of them really don't care what we think about it. I can't recall a more dangerous time in our country during my life, I really can't. For the people who do read this blog, I don't ask that you agree with me on everything or that you even respect a damn thing I say. I only ask that you keep your eyes wide open right now. This is no time to be napping.