Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mixed Messages: Confusing, contradictory statements regarding the economy, courtesy of His Majesty.

Follow me through the progression of contradictory and confusing statements from Majesty & His Court:

1. February 2009: We are told by the White House that the first stimulus bill was absolutely necessary in order to remedy an economy (of course "inherited" by His Majesty -- they always throw that word in) that was the "worst since the Great Depression."

2. 7/1/09: His Majesty, in his best Bush "Mission Accomplished" impersonation, declares and ordains that the first stimulus bill has "done it's job."

3. 7/2/09: But the next day, the 9.5% unemployment figure comes out -- so much for Mission Accomplished.

4. 7/5/09: Biden goes on Sunday morning TV and says that the White House "misread" how bad the recession and economy were back in February when the first stimulus bill was enacted. Gee, that's funny, since you seemed to have a firm handle on that issue in February when you said this was the worst economy since the Great Depression.

5. 7/7/09: One of His Majesty's advisors says that the first stimulus bill was a "bit too small" and that the U.S. should consider drafting a second stimulus bill. The statements of the advisor, Biden the day before, and other dems last week were basically their attempt at an initial trial balloon on the notion of a second stimulus bill.

6. Today, 7/11/09: His Majesty is back to the Mission Accomplished rhetoric, proclaiming that the first stimulus bill "has worked as intended" (link below).

Now, is it too much to ask for just an ounce of honesty and consistency from Majesty and his handlers? I'm frankly sick of the morass of seemingly contradictory statements and mixed messages. Is this "transparency"? Is this "change we can believe in"? Seems like just a lot more of the same to me, with the only difference being that this time it's coming out of the far left instead of the Neo-Cons. Same difference, as far as I'm concerned.