Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gallup: "More Americans see Democratic party as too liberal." -- Largest percentage since the 1994 midterm elections.

This item is well-summarized in its first sentence: "A Gallup Poll finds a statistically significant increase since last year in the percentage of Americans who describe the Democratic Party's views as being 'too liberal,' from 39% to 46%. This is the largest percentage saying so since November 1994, after the party's losses in that year's midterm elections."

It's good to see that at least some folks are finally starting to wake up and get it. The dems are a party that was already too liberal for my tastes in the 1990's, and they have completely gone off the deep end during the Internet Age and in the years that have followed 9-11. During that period, the term "liberal" for me has gone beyond the simple left-wing ideology and has become also synonymous with hatefulness, bitterness and mean-spiritedness -- which is a bit of a problem since these are the people who control the democratic party. In a nutshell, this definitely ain't the democratic party that my grandparents grew up with in the 1940's and 50's, nor even the one that I grew up with in the 1980's.

As a final note, I do hope that the same 46% of Americans who view the dems as too liberal also understand that the repubs have the very same problem -- complete domination and control by the conservatives. Dems and repubs: Two peas in the same extremist pod, as I like to say.