Wednesday, June 17, 2009

His Majesty attacks Fox News, is all up in arms that only 95% of the national media is devoted to reporting "positive stories" about him.

The unmitigated gall of His Majesty. (I've always wanted to use the phrase "unmitigated gall," and here it seems very appropriate). You have almost all of the national media in your back pocket, but you want it ALL. Good grief, man. Such audacity, such arrogance. And people ask me why I refer to you as Majesty. And by the way, as someone who actually went to journalism school (and a pretty damn good one at that), let me just inform you, Majesty, that it is NOT the media's job to tell "positive stories" about you. It's the media's job to cover you in a fair and objective fashion, striving always to keep personal biases out of the equation -- an endeavor upon which our national media (including Fox News) has become a completely dreadful failure.