Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The far left’s reaction to the Tiller (KS abortion doc) murder has been as predictable as the far left media’s next gun control story...

...which will follow within minutes after the next mentally ill person goes completely berzerk on some campus rampage, killing multiple people.
Case in point: Angry, curmudgeony, old liberal columnist Mike Hendricks of the Kansas City Star, who (again, highly predictably) claims today that George Tiller’s blood is on the hands of every single person who has the complete AUDACITY to disagree with Mr. Hendricks on an extremely tough moral issue that very much divides the American public. MY, we are a condescending, self-righteous, hateful, stereotyping little far leftist, aren’t we, Big Mike (emphasis on “little”, both figuratively and % wise in terms of the political make-up of this country). Summing up the entirety of everyone who disagrees with you on a tough issue such as abortion by claiming that all such people are equal to and to BLAME for the most vile and mentally ill of those who share their same belief (BTW, what's with you libs trying to take all advantage you can whenever a mentally ill person goes ape-$hit?). Shame on you, Mike Hendricks. Just typical ole liberal blather (and for your information, I’m NEITHER a conservative republican nor an abortion opponent – go figure!).