Tuesday, June 9, 2009

21,000 New Troops coming to Afghanistan. And I'm still waiting for His Majesty to articulate the plan (any)for what the freak we are doing there now?


Of course, if we currently had a repub president presiding over this mess, then the far left blogosphere would be insane in their venom (and for good reason). But since the far left is largely incapable of intellectual honesty or of actually criticizing their Monarch, we just get chirpin'-crickets silence by in large. Silly, pathetic, far left. Have I suggested recently for all ya' all to go **** yourselves? If not, then I'll go ahead and posit that sentiment at the current moment.

And something else about this story sort of got my goat today: "U.S leaders said they are concerned about the civilian casualties." Oh really? What about the 70 American solider casualties so far this year? Any concern there? I'm not going to claim there isn't, but that civilian casualties would be singled out with no mention of the soldiers really pisses me off.

So I'm still asking His Majesty? What the **** is the plan for Afghanistan? The silence is DEAFENING.