Monday, May 4, 2009
Souter retires. Time for some "change we can believe in" from Obama.
"Change we can believe in" would mean him nominating a new Justice with a reputation of leaving aside personal biases and politics, and just trying to follow the law as best as she/he can. We currently have a Supreme Court made up of judicial activists who try to impose their political will on the Court's decisions -- some of them impose their judicial activism from the right, and others of them try to impose it from the left. And guess what? That is NOT the job of the most lowly of associate circuit court magistrate judges in Tightwad, Missouri -- let alone a judge on the nation's highest court. So here's yet another opportunity for you to impress me, Obama, but alas I'm about 99% sure that you will just stick another left-leaning judge in there who votes 90% or more of the time consistent with his/her personal biases. I repeat -- there's nothing judicial about that. It's just the slimey judicial world that inhabits this country like a particuarly virulent strain of the Swine Flu on steriods (ha, ha, Napolitano -- i know, know, I should have said the R2D2 Flu -- my bad).