Friday, September 20, 2013
The Shame: Montana democrat party Politician "'Accidentally' Liked Picture of Breasts on Facebook," Then gop-ers Try to Make a Political Issue of It!
Last week I was agreeing with a leftist, and this week I'm talking about voting for one. Maybe I've developed early stage Alzeimer's like Reagan in the mid-80s? Regardless...
With the slimy passage of Obamacare in 2010, I recall stating that I doubted that I could ever bring myself to vote for a democrat party politician again. The intervening years have only cemented that sentiment: The leftists of today who control that party are a scary, loony, creepy bunch of creatures. But alas, I should never say never...
Because if I lived in Montana, I would actually consider voting for this John Walsh character (reportedly the democrat party's top recruit in Montana to run for U.S. Senate) -- primarily just to spite the tactics of the prudish old WASP right-winger gop-ers who control their equally rotten party.
It seems Walsh (link below) hit the like button on a picture (shown at the top) of a big rack that he saw on Facebook. Oh the Humanity! Walsh claims accident (it would actually be much cooler if he admitted intent), but whether or not that's true is entirely beside the point: Because who gives a rat's ass if dude likes a big pair of cans! Who doesn't?!?
But along slink gop-er "operatives" to pounce on the screenshot (which Walsh almost immediately scrubbed) and feed it to the media, and then to try to make political hay of it. How repulsive. In response, I would be very tempted to vote for the jug-likin' Walsh if I lived in Montana.
So that's the sorry state of things in what's become of America in 2013: They only way I can vote for gop-ers is if it's necessary to restore gridlock (see 2010), and the only way I can vote for the democrat party is out of pure spite for the antics of the gop-ers. We'd be better off running some slugs and snakes for political office. But same difference?