Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Ludicrous: "Boy, 11, Begins Freshman Year at College, Majoring in Quantum Physics"! Ya Know, I Can Certainly See Why There's a Rush to Get Into the Job Market These Days...

An incessant American unemployment rate at 7.5 to 8 percent is referred to by leftists in the media and elsewhere as "the new normal." Translation: get used to it and don't expect the democrat party to raise a finger to address it -- a lot of unemployed and destitute people, after all, give them ever more welfare recipients and a lot of potential voters. Or, as Obama might simply put it, "What Jobs Council?"

And that unemployment rate's actually much higher, of course, since it doesn't account for the millions and millions of Americans who have just given up and left the workforce during the Obama regime. What's left is a terrible American job market that has rendered so many new college degrees more worthless than the paper they're printed on, for the first time in American history.

Even some traditional careers previously viewed as safe and secure to pursue -- such as the legal field -- face a glut of new graduates who simply can't find a job this side of McDonald's. The jobs just aren't out there, and neither rotten party could seem to give a rat's ass about it.

So it's with this cesspool labor environment in mind that I get to this 11-year-old in Texas named Carson Huey-You (easy for You to say), who's just begun his freshman year of college at Texas Christian University (link below)...

You's parents should be commended. It's important to push a kid to skip as many grades as possible, graduate high school before the age of 12, and toss his teenage years in the garbage. The ultimate goal should be a college degree by 15, an age when most kids have developed a very distinct level of maturity -- even if they're not allowed to drive, vote, or buy smokes or a drink just yet.

These principles become especially important in a current job market best described as a graveyard. If I was a strappin' young lad, I'd just be a' itchin' too these days to break into the mighty American workforce. Roll me out there at age 16, I'd say! Or, as John Fogerty and Steve Buscemi once said, "Put me in Coach!" But better just hope Coach doesn't run out of money to pay your unemployment benefits.