Friday, June 14, 2013
ANOTHER US Military Incursion: "Obama Decides to Supply Military Support to Syrian Rebels." Leftist Hypocrites Everywhere Remain Largely Silent Since the Current Pres Has a "D" Next to His Name. You leftist & gop-er Slimes...
These absolute Slimes on the left and right will defend ANYTHING if the president has the right letter next to his name, and will protest and go ape-shit in the streets on ANYTHING if the president has the wrong letter next to his name.
During my more than 4 decades on this planet now, there is only one inescapable conclusion: To be a leftist or a right-winger, and/or to be a democrat party or a gop-er partisan, is to be something less than a real human being -- something less than a real man or a meaningful woman...
It's the equivalent of being a well-trained dog. It's being one who blindly accepted the world view foisted upon him/her by the parents or peers during the tender and teenage years...
It's being a group-thinker. A follower. A zombie, like so many Walking Dead biters. It goes something like this...
"OK, there are gross invasions of Americans' privacy being perpetrated by the NSA -- remind me who the president is? OK, NOW I KNOW what my position is!"
"OK, so I hear that America is about to stick its military snout in another country somewhere (Syria) -- let me think for a second who the president is. Alright, NOW I KNOW where I stand!"
You leftist 20 percenter and right-winger slimes. I admit that I can't stop you, or even hope to to contain you. I can only promise you to make sure that you CREEPS will never get close to the handful of people on this planet that I care about. Just try me sometime. Really Though. I'm Beggin' Ya Over Here!