Monday, October 15, 2012

What Gives? "Disgusted Passengers Share Photos of Their Airline Food Disasters." But These Look Perfectly Good Enough to Eat to Me...

I mean, what the hell's wrong with these?  What are they expectin' on an airline flight, filet mignon with foie gras and truffle sauce served up by Giada De Laurentiis?

Now, some might say that my overall standards with respect to the culinary graces are a tad bit lower than your Average Joe.  And yes, for example, I do have a Sunday dinner tradition of boiling up a big pot of Ramen noodle soup (Maruchen brand Lime Chili Shrimp's my favorite flavor) as I watch all my DVR'd TV shows from the prior week.  Not to mention, I also invented the Slimeball Sandwich (

But again, I come back to the point:  Location, location, location -- Where are these people?  On a damn airline flight, thank you!  Just as you wouldn't try to dial up a Caille en sarcophage platter in an Alabama shithouse, likewise you shouldn't expect 5-Star cuisine on American Flight Number Nine.  That is, leastways, unless you're some kind of Mitt Romney or Barack Obama aristocrat over there.