Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Slimeball Harry Reid Cites an "Anonymous Source" for Romney Allegedly Not Paying Taxes For 10 Years, While Former Creature Pelosi Chimes In with Agreement. YAWN! The REAL STORY Is What Did Reid Receive in Return for This Stuff?

I've been hesitant to wade into this one over the past week.  True enough, Slimeball "majority leader" Reid taking to the Senate Floor (citing an "anonymous source" -- LOL!) with baseless accusations of Romney failing to pay any income taxes for 10 years is about as slimy a political maneuver as I've ever seen (truly saying something) in a presidential or any other campaign.  The "word's out" on the street about Romney's tax cheating, crows Reid!

But I have absolutely no dog in the fight.  I'm no Romney supporter, and don't intend to vote for him, just as I sure as freak won't be voting for the most left-wing president in American history, either.  Why would I rant and rave about Reid Being Reid when I couldn't care less about defending the likes of King Flipflopper, Stand-For-Absolutely-Nothing Mitt?

So why am I even talking about it?  Because there's a very interesting purely political angle to all this, that's why -- one which I wish some political reporter or columnist out there would pursue.  (Oh for the Old Days of the likes of ultra-deranged right-winger columnist Bob Novak and his exceptional syndicated column, which excelled at getting at the political story "behind" the story -- regardless of which side it put in a negative light and regardless of Novak's own personal blinded ultra-right-wing world view).

Because here's the thing:  Slimeball Reid would never stick his ultra-partisan little neck out on the line for Obama like this (with these insane accusations against Romney, as Reid plays Obama's latest crazy surrogate of the week) unless Reid has received something pretty damn politically substantial from the Obama White House in return.  I just wonder what the hell that was!!!

Nancy Pelosi, in contrast, I suspect ditto'ed in with her agreement for little if any price at all.  She (unlike Reid, who's much more the pure partisan than an ideologue) is the ultimate far-leftist ideologue -- a former House Creature who could be reelected in her San Fran district for the next 1000 years if only her Botox and big money would allow such a lifespan.  She's politically untouchable, and it shows in the demented things that constantly come out of her completely Zombie-like leftist 20 percenter mouth.

Reid -- not at all the same.  He's a state-wide Senator in Nevada who would've had his sleaze-job ass kicked out of office in 2010 if the gop-ers had run anyone against him other than an inept, creepy goof of a right-winger candidate named Sharron Angle.

In short, a skunk like Reid don't do shit like he's doing now (which has garnered nationwide scorn from the right and plenty of non-right-wingers) unless he's received some very favorable promises from the White House.  So what are those promises?  Do your job for once, political journalists.  But I'm not holding my breath over here, truth be told.
