Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama Says that By Not Supporting His Push to Raise Taxes on People Making Over $250,000, "republicans Are Not Serious About Reducing the Deficit" -- a Quote that in Obama's Beloved Hollywood Circles...

...would be a lot like Lindsay Lohan telling Charlie Sheen that he's not serious about reducing the amount of blow he snorts up his snout.

You know, I largely stopped getting upset at Obama a year or more ago.  Anymore, I just laugh (literally, and out loud) at most of the things that come out of his mouth.  He's that insulting even to my rather modest level of intelligence (yet also comical, in a gallows sort of way).

But even if he knew that I laugh at him, I wonder if he could really care less? Doubt it. After all, to Obama and the modern incarnation of the democrat party, people like me are an anachronism:

I'm in the middle class. I work. In the private sector. Not in a minority. Not in a union.  Not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that).  Have no need for free contraceptive or abortion services. Shit, I don't even play golf! I guess Obama and I could chat about the weather, but what the hell else are we gonna talk about?