Friday, July 13, 2012
"dems, gop Bash Olympic Outfits" & Are "Equally Upset." But No Bashing Over Here: I'll Take Those Outfits Any Day...
From this week's comes a story (link at bottom) about loony leftist 20 percenters in the democrat party and deranged right-wingers in the republic partisan party purportely being "equally" outraged over the new U.S. Olympic team uniforms designed by Ralph Lauren and the fact that those uniforms were made in China. (Slimeball Harry Reid, for example, called for all the new outfits to be "burned"). But hold on one damn second over here...
By my way of thinking, if you've got ANY issue (and there are never many) on which both the leftists and the gop-ers can agree and which throws both of their rotten, pathetic political parties into a hissy fit, then you probably want to seriously consider being on the opposite side from them on that issue. Or, more simply put, when the creeps on both sides passionately agree on something, I get nervous.
So, despite my somewhat unfavorable initial reaction upon first getting a gander at these new outfits, I've now flip-flopped faster than Mitt Romney and Barack Obama on a Missouri boat ride. I'm even using Creature Pelosi's favorite word and am dropping any "robust" opposition that I might've otherwise had to the made-in-China angle.
And I'm thinking our American athletes are going to look real spiffy with them white britches, double-breasted navy jackets and funny little hats. You Go, Olympic athletes! And thank you, as well, in the process for pissin' off all the damn partisans.