Thursday, July 5, 2012
Bummed Out: Don't Try Being a Hobo in China, Lest You Could Use Another Hole in Your Head (Not to Mention in the Back, Ass and Lower Extremities)...
Now this is a bona fide bummer: As a Fourth of July follow-up, the "People's Republic" of China (as pictured at top and bottom; link below) is reportedly try to put a real dent (literally) in its hobo population by installing huge swaths of rather tortuous concrete spikes under public bridges where bums like to sleep. That'll do the trick, methinks.
With innovative new efforts like these to poke a hole in the tramp problem, maybe a more-deserving nation like China can borrow and put to more-appropriate use that otherwise offensive phrase from our American national anthem, "land of the free and home of the brave." Thoughts, Bill Press? (Although, I really shouldn't encourage the leftist 20 percenters like that).