Friday, June 29, 2012
ObamaCare Monstrosity Upheld: I Told Right-Wingers They Shouldn't Party After Oral Arguments. Besides, the Damn Thing Was Gonna Have to be Repealed Anyway...
I recall the little celebrations the right-winger gop-ers had following the Supreme Court oral arguments on the ObamaCare Obamanation. They thought that since the Justices had grilled Obama's lawyer pretty hard, the Court would ultimately give them a ruling striking down the law's "individual mandate" requiring people to buy health insurance...
It was also in this space where I warned the republic partisans that they shouldn't be celebrating, since oral argument questions are often a terrible predictor of how a case on appeal is going to be ruled upon (been there, done that). Told ya so, you right-wing freaks!
Regardless, AT MOST the Court could have struck down the "individual mandate," but I thought there was little chance in hell they'd strike down the whole law. And by all accounts, Obama and his minions were prepared to march ahead full-steam on implementing the law even if the "individual mandate" had fallen.
So bottom line: That damn piece of far leftist legislation was going to have to be repealed by Congress anyway, regardless of how the Court ruled (assuming I'm right, as I nearly always am, that the chances of the Court throwing out the entire law were slim and none).
That's why I still look with so much gloom on those two dark days -- "Black Christmas" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday" -- when the democrat party rammed that rotten piece of unpopular, massive far-leftist legislation right down the throats of the American people. You see, it can only be repealed, in all likelihood, if the gop-ers (in addition to controlling the House) win a supermajority (60 seats) in the Senate and win the presidency...
And I can't see that happening anytime soon. The only time in my entire life that either rotten party had that kind of power was the democrat party in 2009 and early 2010 -- that's extremely rare and not likely to occur for either pathetic party in the foreseeable future (thank God, truth be told). So better get used to ObamaCare. 'Fraid we may be stuck with that awful creature for awhile.
Postscript: I've already heard today a few ardent deranged right-wingers, such as Michelle Bachmann, threatening to repeal ObamaCare in the Senate with a mere 51 votes with the very same slimy budgetary procedural gimmick ("reconciliation") that the democrat party used to enact ObamaCare in the first place on Sunday Bloody Sunday. IF the republic partisans stoop to that sewer rat level, I will condemn their sorry doctrinaire asses just as vehemently as I did when the democrat party used that Slimeball tactic. But then again, I'm actually consistent in my positions. Since I'm not a partisan.