Saturday, September 17, 2011

We've Got LeftNecks in Charge? The Obamas Set Up Their Own White House Still for Making Alcohol; Uncle Jesse Tells the Law to Leave Them Alone...

What's next? His Majesty and The Queen bitterly clinging to their Bibles while they tote rifles to a local tea party rally in September 2011 AD? These questions follow the news this week that the Obamas have used their own money to set up a rudimentary, makeshift still at the White House for brewing up booze.

The White House-made brew was reportedly flowing like water when Obama had his photo op this week with Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer. It's just too bad the still wasn't already up and running when Obama held his notorious "beer summit" in 2009 after blathering about the arrest of a Harvard professor without knowing any of the facts.

It's also unfortunate to see the Obamas gettin' their drink on in such a fashion that they've apparently become the same sort of "LeftNecks" that the democrat party and leftist 20 percenters loathe so much.

If you're not familiar with that term, it's used by the lefties to insult the small swath of largely blue-collar, unionized democrat party voters who depart from the leftist agenda on certain discrete issues, such as gun ownership and the importance of religion. The LeftNecks are viewed as particularly dangerous by the leftists since they've been known to transform into "Reagan democrats" on occasion.

If there's anything that just might be the final straw before the leftist 20 percenter fringe (which controls the democrat party) decides to primary Obama's hapless ass, it just might be this new alcohol still at the White House. And Oh My, the thought of Obama boozin' it up by using the still to make BEER rather than Chardonnay and Merlot must REALLY chap the elitist leftists' asses!

On the primary front, methinks the leftist 20 percenters need to break the glass on the case that says "Open If in Need of Vile Leftist Loudmouth." From there, reach inside, pull Howard Dean out, hose him down, and put him to work. Hell, they could even dress Dean up like Sheriff Roscoe T. Coaltrain and have him feign a revenuer raid on the new Obama White House still:

"Yer under arrest for moonshinin', Mr. President! Yooz been hidin' revenue from Uncle Sam. And not only am I gonna toss you in the can in New Hampshire. Next I'm locking your ass up in South Carolina! And Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico! YEAH!!!! Kew, kew, kew, kew."

After all, Obama -- the most leftist president of my lifetime and perhaps in American history -- hasn't been nearly leftist enough. Just ask the leftist 20 percenters. They'll tell ya.

But just don't ask them for a beer at the same time (given this week's news) unless your goal is for Jimmy Hoffa Junior's boys to give you the same treatment that was given to Hoffa's old man. Since while I might not mind drinking some beer in the Meadowlands parking lot on an NFL Sunday, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be buried there.