Friday, September 16, 2011

A Lesson for Unmarried Men Everywhere: If You Want the Love, Wear a Damn Glove. Lest You Want to be Taken to the Cleaners by a Broad Like This...

She's Canadian cover girl model Linda Evangelista, and she's trying to get her French baby daddy to surrender. Seems she shacked up with Frenchman Francois-Henri Pinault circa 2007 AD, got knocked up, and now she just wants her fair share -- all in the name of the baby, of course.

That's because even though Evangelista isn't married to Frenchie (and I'm always amazed how many men don't know this), he's still on the hook for child support as the baby daddy. And in this instance, we ain't talkin' peanuts.

Evangelista is looking for the better part of a million bucks a year (over $800,000) in child support. Maybe she's looking to buy the little punk his own string of Babies"R"Us stores?

That total includes an excruciating $46,000 per MONTH in standard child support. But that's just for starters. Evangelista also wants almost $200,000 a year for "a team of armed drivers" to haul the little shit around town. And don't forget the nanny! $80,000 more for that little "necessary" expense. Jeezal peezal, already.

And if you're wondering about Frenchie, he ain't exactly what you'd call a poor soul. He's CEO of a company that owns Gucci and other luxury lines, which nets him a $5 million annual salary.

Still though, he doesn't exactly sound like George Soros or Warren Buffet over there. $5 million puts you at about the pay grade of an above-average major league baseball player.

But on the bright side for Frenchie, at least he need not fear Obama and the democrat party coming after him like Evangelista's wrath. Nope, those particular politicians are mainly concerned these days with "millionaires and billionaires" who own small businesses making $200,000 a year.

So when it comes to Obama, Frenchie's as safe as Jeffrey Immelt in a West Wing shithouse. And he's gonna need that extra money for when Evangelista gets through with his smelly French ass, it would appear.