I say that because nothing says solemn church service quite like an old ball cap and a political hymn or two. And isn't that the same dude who performed that old novelty song, "Convoy" (above right)?
Regardless, and likely thankfully, I don't think this or too many other Palin tribute songs are going to be hittin' heavy rotation on the nation's Top 40 stations anytime soon. Can you just imagine what this week's Billboard Top 10 might look like if all of America's popular music artists became suddenly smitten with Sarah? Maybe something like this:
#10. Rihanna, "Only Rogue (In the World)"
#9. Bruno Mars, "Just the Wasilla You Are"
#8. Black Eyed Peas, "The Slime (Dirty Dem)"
#7. Wiz Khalifa, "Black And Yellow Blood Libel"
#6. Todd Inglesias, "Tonight (I'm Nailin' Palin)"
#5. P!nk, "Raise Your Tea Cup"
#4. Ke$ha, "We R Who We Refudiate"
#3. Rihanna, "What's My Latest Bra Size"
#2. Katy Perry, "Firework & FireObama"
#1. Bruno Mars, "Grenade That Grizzly!"
Good Grief. Forget the First Amendment: With a list like that, I think I'd actually want Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd to get his jollies and start imposing some censorship!