"They [republicans] say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels. You say it enough, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it . . . The Germans said enough about the Jews and people believed it -- and you have the Holocaust."
Nice. Is this what the American left was talking about when they preached to all of us non-stop over the past few weeks about the need for "civility"? Do as they say, not as they do, as usual. Hypocrites.
And an uncivil honorable mention from the political world, BTW, goes to new republican governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, for his comments earlier this week stating that only Christians are his "brothers" (second link at bottom). Those comments stink like a $hithouse; but then again, it is Alabama.
The most unholy of the uncivil this week comes out of the Sunshine State. Sort of a non-civility coup de grace, you might say: Five Florida teens stand accused of burglarizing a house, swiping the cremated remains of a man and trying to snort them up like cocaine! (Third link at bottom).
Just for good measure, the five teens also allegedly stole from the home the cremated ashes of two dogs and then tried to snort those too! You might think this was one dumb bunch of (alleged) criminals, but not so fast!:
The linked story indicates that they did eventually realize the ashes were not making them high, at which time they ceased & desisted in their snorting. But by then, it was too late: These alleged snorting sleazebuckets had already "urned" a one-way ticket to the pokey.