Monday, December 13, 2010

Michelle Obama to American Kids: You Need to Eat Better So That You'll Be Healthy Enough to Go Fight in Wars!

Appearing today to speak in favor of the "Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010" -- under which the federal government will regulate school lunches -- Michelle Obama spouted these rather mindless words concerning the alleged necessity of improving the diets of American children:

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight. Childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

Gee, that's funny! I didn't realize we had returned to the Vietnam War era, complete with a military draft, and in which the federal government felt it necessary for most American men to be ready to go fight somewhere. I had thought that our volunteer military was staffed just fine these days? But I guess not. Instead, we need the federal government to whip our kids' diets into shape because they may just be needed for military induction and fighting sometime soon!

BTW, can you imagine if anyone other than a liberal democrat had uttered such moronic blather -- calling kids' diets a "national security" issue? Because after all, military bravado and waging wars are just fine with the far left and the American mainstream media just so long as a democrat is president at the time, right!

Oh, and just for good measure, Michelle says today that it's also necessary for the federal government to control school lunches because "we can't just leave it up to the parents" to look out for the diets of their children. Well, Ms. Obama, the Hell We Can't! It is the job of parents to feed their kids at home and -- if the parents have a problem with what's being served at school -- to provide their kids with a different lunch to bring. This is most certainly not a proper area for more overbearing federal government intrusion and regulation.

At the end of the day, this is all just more classic liberalism from the Obamas and their 20-percenter party. They know what's best for us. They will take care of us. We are stupid. The federal government is smart. We need only keep our mouths shut, bend over, and take their infinite wisdom right up our keysters. Well, I say, as always, nuts to that leftist shit!