Tonight on his FoxNews show, Sean Hannity aired three separate times the disgusting video of sub-human slime gang members beating a teenager to death in Chicago. It wasn't necessary to show this video once, let alone three times? Hannity's reason? To try to stick it to Obama, of course -- specifically, to question whether Obama should be pushing to bring the Olympics to a city where this sort of thing would take place (the very same angle the Drudge Report has taken the last 24 hours by posting the video on its site -- wow, how surprising). First, Hannity's argument is a stupid one. As if virtually every city doesn't have brutal murders and gang killings. Second, the video adds nothing to the substance of his point (not that there is much substance); instead, it's only calculated to play on passions and emotions to promote his far-right agenda -- sort of a Willie Horton moment. I personally found it quite distasteful and highly annoying, and Hannity ought to be ashamed of himself.