Thursday, October 1, 2009


I heard ultra-far-right conservative Michelle Malkin (pictured first above) on FoxNews tonight referring to one of Obama's Chicago cronies as Obama's "consigliere," which is of course a longstanding title in the American mafia for a mafia boss' personal adviser and confidant (see above pic from the original Godfather movie depicting Don Corleone's (Marlon Brando's) "Consigliere," Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), interacting with his boss). OK, so how are such mindless, derogatory references, comparing democrats to mobsters, any different from the far left describing vocal opponents of their health care reform plan as "mobsters" last summer? Answer: No different. I sometimes think that I just largely fall on deaf ears because most people who read this space for some reason think that they have to chose a side between these two bullshit parties. Why? They are equally pathetic in the way they are both dominated by their radical extremes, meantime failing to represent the majority of this country in any way. And on a related note, I see this fool Alan Grayson (democratic US congressman from Florida) over the past day describing anyone who opposes the dems' health care reform plan (as I do) as supporting a "holocaust" in America. Do I really need go on here? Folks, free your minds, and free your inherent tendencies to think that have to side with either of these 2 parties, because you do not. Distrust them because they are deservant of our distrust. And keep your eyes on them always, because they are both constantly trying to slip something past the goalie. That's the best advice I can give tonight.
Postscript: Although Malkin may be a Deranged Right-Winger, I don't mean to take anything away from her -- She is indisputably hot, even if the above pic doesn't necessarily portray that aspect so well (BTW, is that pick really from 1992 -- looks much more recent?).