[As sent tonight to his congressional website:]
Dear Congressman Moore,
Your lack of courage to listen to and face the opponents of the health care reform bill that you support is very disheartening. One only need to look to Missouri and Claire McCaskill for a democratic politician who has the guts to hold multiple townhalls and listen to her opponents. I am not a republican or conservative, and frankly as a proud Independent, I eschew those factions just as much as I do democrats and liberals. We Independents control the fate of elections nationwide and in individual states like Kansas. As as one of those folks, I hereby challenge you to have a backbone and actually hold a public townhall so that you can listen to what your constituents have to say about the health care reform plan that you support. Until you do, I will continue to speak loudly about your lack of courage on my blog (http://independentrage.blogspot.com/), which provides a rare forum for Independents in this country to sound off, and I will also continue to speak about this on Facebook, and Twitter, and on the myriad other websites with which I am connected. I'll be waiting, congressman. For months now, my blog has had a national focus. Not anymore.