Friday, October 2, 2015

Low-Energy Loser: "Jeb Bush Sees Himself as the John McCain of 2016." No Wonder the democrat party Wants Bush to Be the gop-er Nominee!

Not only is "Jeb" Bush an energy-challenged, mealy-mouthed, stand-not-for-much, aging old relic of an awful American political dynasty. Nope. Now I think you have to add to that description the word "Idiot" -- same as brother W!

Because only a bona fide moron would try to compare himself to and emulate the 2008 presidential campaign of Tired Old Man John McCain.

McCain was one of the absolute worst nominees for president that I've seen in my lifetime, right up there with the inept likes of Fritz Mondale and Eyebrows Dukakis.

I mean, Farmer Brown's jackass from the spread down the road could've beaten McCain and his weak-ass campaign in 2008 (unfortunately for all of us, the leftists instead nominated the jackass we currently have as a president, although I digress).

But at least if Bush ends up getting the gop-er nomination (which I see as a long-shot as this point), his Tired Old Man act will have plenty of company from the democrat party nominee -- which is assured to be one of the three Golden Girls (Hilary, Bernie, or Joe) from the classic age of television. (And, BTW, Trump's just as ancient).

To which subject, I've today had an epiphany: Forget term limits; we need to impose some age limits on these two rotten, corrupt political parties.

This ain't so unreasonable in 2015, is it? If you were born in the Big Band Era, then go celebrate that era in the nursing home or hospice or something, and leave presidential politics the hell alone.

And if you would have to gum your state dinner, then please do your gummin' out in a pasture somewhere, sans the White House. Don't worry, you won't be lonely -- Farmer Brown's gotta a great companion for ya, right out there in the same field.