-Donald Trump: DOWN. First, I'll answer the question none of these candidates would answer: I for one "would not feel comfortable with Trump's finger on the nuclear button." But I've already said I ain't votin' for this crazy circus performer, even if he does often make me laugh. As for tonight's performance: Not so funny.
-Carly Fiorina: UP. Presents well, and looks and talks fairly presidential. Her critique of the gruesome Planned Parenthood videos was easily the best and most effective passage of the night. And she handled well her retort to Trump's recent first grader comments about her appearance, as well as Trump's other attempted salvos tonight. This definitely seems like a candidacy on the rise.
-Ben Carson: UP. Not only the best looking person in this debate (as in the first), but also the best dressed in the joint! He had me at hello tonight, even if the moderators (just like the first debate) seemed to hardly ever call on him.
-John Kasich: DOWN. I thought Kasich wasn't nearly as on as he was in the first debate (maybe he just ain't so good outside of Ohio?). And saying that as president he may not touch Obama's terrible Iran deal sure as hell ain't gonna improve his current down lot in the polls.
-"Jeb" Bush: DOWN. "I Am Not a Puppet!" Thanks for clarifying, Tricky Dick. More resembled his idiot brother tonight, stuttering and stammering around like a skid row wino. And, like some sort of Obama-style wimp, he repeatedly allowed Trump to interrupt him. Can we just put the Bush Dynasty (and its Clinton Twin, for that matter) out to pasture already?
-Marco Rubio: UP. I liked his poking fun at his previous, notorious Water Bottle Speech as well as his granddaddy story, how he held his water (pun intended) against Trump, and (inexplicably) being the ONLY candidate to raise the repulsive $18 Trillion Obama/W Bush National Debt. Also seemed to get stronger as this grotesquely long debate got even longer, showing a better stamina than most or all of the others.
-Rand Paul: DOWN. I didn't think it possible -- his hair actually looked worse tonight than in the first debate! This guy's gotta go from the main debate stage next time around. He has J-V written all over his beaver pelt melon.
-Scott Walker: SAME. An unlikely character to get in Trump's face tonight, and I thought he held his own. But otherwise bored the living hell out of me.
-Chris Christie: UP. Came across as personable and in control, for the most part, rather than as the hothead that is his stereotype. And he was the only candidate that I heard invoking in any way the plight of the American worker during the Obama years (even if he missed, at the same time, the opportunity to specifically raise the dreadful household income and wage stagnation of those same Obama years).
-Ted Cruz: SAME. Same ol' Slick Willy with a Joe McCarthy mask on. Still unelectable.
-Mike Huckabee: DOWN. Boot this fat old has-been from the stage at the same time that Paul gets the axe.
-Finally, the ENTIRE gop-er FIELD: DOWN. I thought tonight was, mostly, a real snoozer (even before CNN carried it into its third excruciating hour). Very few "Yeah!" and "Damn right!" moments. And not a ton of bona fide entertainment. Yawn. And why not even one of these candidates would say moderator-be-damned and talk about today's "news" (already known) that American workers have not gotten a raise during the Obama years, I have no clue. That's red meat for every American out there who is not named "leftist 20 percenter"...
Instead, these candidates accepted -- hook, line, and sinker -- Tapper/CNN's incessant questions from the left-wing agenda (pot legalization, vaccinations, Trump insults, and "anchor babies" -- REALLY?), which were mostly aimed at getting the candidates to fight each other rather than addressing the leftists louts who've been running amok in America for 7 long years now. Always ones to play by the imposed rules, these gop-ers. And that is one of the principal reasons why they fail.
[Postscript: Anyone think that any of the few democrat party debates that the cowardly Hilary The Hoary will participate in will go on for 3 freakin' hours, like tonight's endless event? Nope. Hell, all 3 of the Golden Girls (Hilary, Bernie and Joe -- sounds like a bad late-60s folk song) would be fast asleep, like Reagan or something, at around the 90 minute mark!!].