Friday, October 18, 2013

Men on the Moon: Debt Opponents Exposed for Exaggerating the $16.7 Trillion National Debt, Claiming the Debt Stacked in $1 Bills Could Stretch to the Moon Four Times!

However, and thankfully, the objective media watchdogs at Media were quick this week to debunk the debt worriers' sensational claim (link to claim below)...

It seems that in order for the $16.7 trillion national debt, stacked in $1 bills, to reach the moon four full times, the bills would have to be a bunch of crumply, old used ones -- i.e. bills of a type that simply don't stack up so nice.

If, instead, freshly printed currency would be used, then the dollar stack would be lucky to reach the moon three times, says Media Maddens.

And why wouldn't newly printed currency be used for such an endeavor? After all, that's what financial institutions keep on hand -- they're plentiful. In contrast, old Raggedy Ann bills are what float around in the hands of the public, making it virtually impossible to round up enough of those old bills to even accomplish a four-moon stack.

So yet again, we have these draconian, Nazi proponents of balanced budgets and reduced debt at the forefront of exaggeration, spin, and impossible demonstrative anecdotes. Can't we just sick the IRS on their ass? Oh wait...