Friday, August 16, 2013
Fry 'Em: "Two Men Wrongly Convicted of Murder Receive $12.5 Million From North Carolina" YEARS LATER. Hard to Imagine a More Compelling Case in Favor of the Death Penalty...
If, after all, North Carolina was more serious about imposing its death penalty law, and if the state had just put these two men to death years ago when first convicted, then North Carolina would not now be on the hook for over $12 million in damages...
You cannot tell me in these rotten economic times that $12 million is small potatoes to any state, and I betcha this hit ain't gonna help North Carolina one iota. The inescapable truth is this: Fry these guys (Floyd Brown and Greg Taylor; pictured above) when given the opportunity, and you won't facing all this shitstorm years down the road. Nice one, Tar Heel State!