Wednesday, July 10, 2013

C'mon People Now, Spy on Your Brother:
Barry Milhous Obama Orders Federal Employees to Spy On & Report Each Other For "Suspicious" Activities! LOUT.

Says the late Tuesday report (link below):  "In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators . . . Obama has ordered federal employees to report 'suspicious' actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work."  But who really cares if these tactics (called "the Insider Threat Program") are proven to work or not, right Barry? Since the only bad spying is no spying at all, no?

This foolishness apparently includes Obama's orders to federal employees to report and/or monitor fellow workers (1) who come to work early and/or work late (can't have that!), (2) who may be under stress in their personal lives (Oh the Humanity!), (3) who may face impending divorce and/or personal financial difficulties (damn pesky real life!), or (4) who may have something considered to be "unusual" or fishy in their lifestyles, attitudes and/or behaviors (My God, now I'll never get a government job!).  For good measure, employees who fail to spy on and make a report of their co-workers "face penalties and criminal charges."

Gosh, must be a great time to be a federal worker!  Spy on your friends, rat out your co-workers, and put them on report, or else we'll toss your ass in the hoosegow, ordains His Majesty!  CREEP.

I've frequently stated in this space that Obama along with W Bush is one of the two worst and most destructive presidents of my lifetime (and I'm old enough to have lived through the original Nixon as well as Carter) (BTW, I've often stated and repeated the Nixon-Obama comparison since 2009 -- long before the right-wingers absolutely stole my material earlier this year)... 

But despite my prior placement of W and Obama on equal planes of infamy, the individual we currently have as a president -- and I have no qualms in stating -- is truly disgusting. I'm this close (not quite there yet) to proclaiming Obama The Worst president of my lifetime, following some of his deplorable second-term behavior and scandals.

What I still can't understand to this day are the people who originally (and the many still today who) consider this individual to be some sort of transcending, almost Messiah-like figure. He sure as hell ain't that or anything even remotely similar.  Only three-and-a-half years left and counting down, now.  Thank God.