Friday, March 1, 2013

HOW DARE YOU! democrat party Members Object to Display of the National Debt Clock at Congressional Hearing This Week!

Much like a morbidly obese individual or a vampire broad on "True Blood,"  leftist 20 percenter democrat party loons like the pictured Maxine Waters apparently really hate looking in the mirror (Waters also being the braintrust who actually claimed this week that "sequester" would kill 170 million American jobs!).  So whatever ya do, don't show the leftists that damn pesky National Debt Clock! (Link to story below).

After all, they, along with the two worst presidents of my lifetime (Obama  and W Bush) and an often complicit gop-er party over the past 13 years, are directly responsible for the unforgivable and ever-growing $16.5 trillion national debt from which we are unlikely to ever fully escape.

But hey, if I was responsible for threatening the very well-being of myriad future generations of Americans, I probably wouldn't want to be reminded of that fact either.  Maybe Obama can just furlough away the Debt Clock in the "sequester"?