Friday, February 15, 2013

Now THIS Is a Makeover! And Can I Get the Contact Info on Pepper's Makeover Artist So I Can Send It Along to Some Political Slimeballs?

For months late last year and early this year, I knew her only as "Pepper" -- the grotesque, yet personable little lunatic on FX's "American Horror Story: Asylum."  Yes, Pepper could get down on the dance floor (see the "Name Game" music video from "Asylum"/link below), but she sure was a bit of a frightful freak to look at. Leastways, that is, 'til Pepper Got Pizzazz...

The photos above and linked story below reveal that since the end of Asylum's filming, Pepper (actress Naomi Grossman) has undergone one of the most miraculous makeovers since Alice Brady turned into cousin Sergeant Emma on the "Brady Bunch."

And now I want a little taste for myself. Just enough to wet my beak over here. I want to know the name of Pepper's makeover artist and want to pass along said artist's Outlook Contact or business card to others similarly in need. It's just my helpful nature.

I mean, just in the sleazy political world, you've got plenty of gruesome trolls long overdue for a good makeover: We're talking, just by way of example, the loutish likes of (1) literal greaseball Ted Cruz (gop-er senator), (2) multi-chinned Mitch McConnell (gop-er senate minority leader), (3) Captain Kangaroo offspring David Axelrod (Obama's rather hideous hatchet man), and (4) the notorious Anthony's Weiner (whose still-aspiring political career itself needs a complete makeover), just to name a few.

But I'm officially reserving the first politician makeover to an individual who perhaps needs it the most: A peculiarly slippery creature who needs a new hairdresser even more than Rihanna apparently needed a bath. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you the pathological, hypocritical, and always unbearable -- Patty "Wasserman" Simpson!