Friday, January 18, 2013

Right-Wingers, Leftists Conjure Up Nazis and Stalin in "Gun Control" Debate Over Overbearing Extremist Obama Versus Overbearing Extremist NRA...

Nazis and Stalin, uh? (Exemplar links below). And people wonder why I don't want any of these creeps on either extreme hanging around my "Rager's" saloon (as referenced Wednesday) and stinkin' up the joint with their rancid rhethoric and foul breath.

Regardless, after this week's Hitler/Stalin blasts, I'm now officially raising Rager's leftist/right-winger cover charge to TWENTY bucks at my joint just to get in the front door.

And just keep it up, you partisan fringe freaks, you: You're gonna price your sorry slimeball asses right out my joint, you skunks!