Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Best Looking Contraction in U.S. GDP You'll Ever See!" Only Partisan Ideologues Would Put a Positive Spin on the First Shrinkage of the U.S. Economy in Over 3 Years...

Normally a decrease in the U.S. GDP for a quarter year is pretty dire news (as was just announced today for Q4 2012).  Even by the rigid definition of economists, we're officially back in a "recession" if this GDP decline keeps up for another quarter in 2013...

But leftist democrat party loons didn't let truths like these get in their way, trying to put a good news spin on Tuesday's rotten GDP news (link below) while also trying to blame it on that idiot W Bush.  (So which is it, leftists: A positive thing for which your Obama deserves praise, or a bad thing for which W Bush deserves blame? Make up your so-called minds! But I digress...)

Ya know, as mentioned above, only a leftist or right-wing partisan ideologue freak would try to positively spin something like today's sick news -- leastways, so long as the president at the time had the same letter next to his name as said ideologue.  Creeps.