Monday, December 24, 2012

No Country for Dart Fans Who Look Like Jesus: "Christ Lookalike" Gets Tossed from British Darts Tournament!

And right before Christmas!  No, this wasn't some public school event in the States, but instead a hugely attended and privately sponsored "darts tournament" in the UK...

And while it's not clear whether 33-year-old Nathan Grindal (a spectator at the event; pictured at top) intentionally sported his bushy divine get-up in order to distract the two championship round competitors, event staff said that was irrelevant...

That's since once the darts tournament crowd of 4,500 people burst into "raucous" chants of "Jesus! Jesus!", event organizers had heard and seen enough (link below), putting a bullseye on the joint's exits with this Fake Almighty's name written all over it.

But even this phoney Son of God's ejection hasn't stopped tempers from darting over the top.  Grindal is said to be "quite cross" over his treatment (Elton John over there!), while tournament champion Phil Taylor apparently wants a piece of the Lord:

"If I ever see Jesus [Grindal] again, I'll crucify him myself," this scrooge Taylor allegedly pledged.  Some folks just can't get into the Reason for the Season.