Friday, November 2, 2012
Prediction: Pain. Don't Look for the Presidential Election Winner to be Decided Tuesday Night...
...The race is just too close, and expect "shit" (and plenty of it) to happen. There will almost certainly be one or more states where the losing side legally contests an apparent razor-thin loss (calling for recounts, filing lawsuits, etc.). There are certain to be widespread allegations on both sides of voter fraud and improper voter disfranchisement -- again potentially involving lawsuits or other legal maneuvering.
And then there's Ohio. That state may be to 2012 what Florida was to 2000, meaning the outcome there decides who wins, and that outcome is going to be very tight. And alas: There was a story from Ohio Thursday (link below) claiming that a "little known change" in Ohio election law may mean that 250,000 or more "provisional" ballots cannot be legally counted in Ohio until TEN DAYS after the damn election (thereby possibly holding up the national result)!!!
Regardless, just expect plenty of electoral mayhem and chaos Tuesday night (absent one of these two joker candidates opening up a bit of a lead in the final days, which I don't see happening). American politics has never been uglier or more extreme than it is today, and expect nothing less than a close election Tuesday bringing out every bit of ugliness that these two rotten parties (not to mention the leftist "mainstream" media and right-winger blogosphere) can possibly muster up. You've been warned.