Friday, November 30, 2012
"Confident Obama Sees Path to Fiscal Cliff Win" Next Month, Is "Supremely Confident He'll Come Out on Top of a Fiscal Cliff Deal"...
[Preface: The "fiscal cliff," in a nutshell, refers to a group of federal tax hikes and significant budgetary cuts set to take effect in early 2013 if Congress doesn't act. Most economists agree these measures need to be tempered by Congress to avoid the economy slipping back into a definitional recession.]
Good to see Obama's priority is making sure he "wins" the "fiscal cliff" issue from a political perspective. Couldn't have him out there, after all, placing his priority on such juvenile things as, say, the best interests of the American people "winning" out.
But alas, that's been the Obama we've seen for four (going on 8) devastatingly long years now: His political fortunes first; his far leftist ideology a close second; and the American people dead last. Not that W Bush, nor the current herd of gop-er assclowns, were/are any different or better, mind you. These people all stink. Just wish more Americans could see and/or admit it.