Wednesday, October 24, 2012
October Sur-Slimes: Right-Winger Donald Trump & Leftist Gloria Allred Set to Try to Unleash Alleged Dirt on Romney & Obama Today, Less Than Two Weeks Before the Election. Creep-Jobs!
As I first flagged in this space on Monday, leftist 20 percenter attorney Gloria Allred is poised to try to spring an "October Surprise" on Mitt Romney -- and reportedly as early as today as she heads to court in Massachusetts to try to bully a judge into unsealing Romney testimony (and lifting a witness gag order) from some past court proceeding. Meantime, crazy right-winger Trump similarly says he has an "October Surprise" of his own in store for Obama today -- reportedly in the form of past divorce papers of Barack and Michelle Obama. (Links below; obviously no coincidence both of these two rotten so-called "stories" are jumpin' off on the same day).
This sort of thing is truly slimeball stuff. Not only tabloid-style material on the substance (or at least it would seem), but also information upon which these two partisan pariahs of attention-grabbing have apparently held on to until the last minute to try to have some small, pathetic lout impact on the election results.
Worse yet, perhaps, is the highly predictable response that will come from most leftists and right-wingers, with each side applauding the jackass on their side (Trump or Allred) while feigning outrage over the jackass on the other side for the very same actions. Our two illustrious political parties of sleaze and hypocrisy on full display. And I'm the fool for choosing to be an Independent!
[Late Monday Postscript: The Trump end of this turned out to be a lot of nothing: Trump promising to donate $5 million to charity if Obama releases his educational records. What a joke. The Allred matter, in contrast, seems a lot more real, but is still ongoing, with another court hearing within a day or two on the issue of whether Romney's testimony from a divorce proceeding of a friend years ago will be unsealed. Best I can tell, the testimony (if unsealed) would give Obama new material for PAC ads (accusations of Romney not being honest concerning the value of a company in order to help a friend), but not much more than that. Interestingly, the Romney camp is claiming at this point that Romney doesn't even oppose the release of the testimony.]