Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Anniversary of 9/11, Two U.S. Embassies Attacked in the Middle East, One American Dead: So Where's the American President on Tuesday?
M-I-A. Just like so much of the past 4 years. Off campaigning somewhere. Too busy to speak on such things on the day they occurred. And too busy with his political schedule (reportedly) to grant a requested meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a potential (probable) Israeli strike on Iran lurks dangerously close.
You know, I've said this before: If you don't intend to vote for stand-for-nothing gop-er presidential candidate Mitt Romney, I get it. I don't intend to vote for him either (I'm goin' third party candidate)...
But what I also don't get is how any American who's not a part of the leftist 20 percenter base of the democrat party (i.e. about 20% of the American population) could possibly vote in 2012 for the reelection of the individual we currently have as president.
He's been that awful as a Commander-in-Chief. And I'm convinced that he will ultimately go down (along with W Bush) as one of the worst, most ill-qualified presidents in American history. 30, 40, 50 years from now -- do you really want to look back as having voted for this individual's reelection? I think I'll take a pass on that particular distinction.