Friday, August 10, 2012

Hark, I Hear Dreadful (Yet Deadly) Music: Old Man Allegedly Shoots His Karaoke-Singing Son in Order to "Shut Him Up"!

It's a part of the parental role, after all: Corrective action. So if Sonny's cursing, the parents should wash his mouth out with soap. If Sonny's stinkin' up the joint, Mama should force him to hit the showers.  And if Sonny keeps belting out tunes despite not being able to sing a lick, then the Old Man should pull a gun and pump some lead into Sonny until he shuts the hell up!

Cops say that's precisely how it went down in Shasta County, California, where 70-year-old Daddy William Oller, Sr. (pictured above and below), is facing trial on attempted murder charges for allegedly "shooting his son to stop him from singing" (link at bottom).

Cops say that day started off gloriously enough, with the Old Man paying a nice family visit to the home of his 50-year-old son (William Oller, Jr.). But things took a turn for the worse, apparently, when Junior quickly took to belting out some old standards, karaoke style, right there in front of the Old Man.

And either Junior has one rotten voice, or else the Old Man has one rotten disposition (or both, likely), since cops say the Old Man soon reached a point where he could stands no more of Junior's performance...

When Junior just kept a' crooning, I figure the Old Man's options were: (a) Go home; (b) Cover the ears; (c) Insert some ear plugs; (d) Sit there and take it; or, of course, (e) whip out a pistol and shut Junior up the old-fashioned way!

And since there are three (e)'s in "demented," I think the Old Man's choice should be readily apparent. Cops say the Old Man first shouted out to Sonny a not-so-cryptic warning in the form of, "I'm going to shut you up!" Then it was out the door for Daddy to allegedly "grab a semi-automatic pistol from his pick-up truck" before heading back inside the joint.

At that point, the karoake machine might as well have been blaring the old Jim Croce song, since the lyrics therefrom (with only a name change) pretty accurately tell the story: "Those two men took to fightin', and when they pulled them from the floor, Junior looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple a' pieces gone..."

In short, Sonny's musical act was done for the day after he received multiple .22 caliber gunshot wounds (allegedly) from the Old Man's gun during their scuffle. And the next time Junior has a hankerin' to take to the mic in Daddy's presence, I gots one word of advice for him:  Auto-Tune.