Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tanked Tot? Phoenix Mom Tossed in the Can After Admitting to Pouring Booze in Her Two-Year-Old Son's Sippy Cup, and Letting Him Drink It, Down at the Local Pizza Parlor!
I've seen it plenty of times at pizza joints and other restaurants: Out-of-control little shits going ape, ducking under booth tables, turning pirouettes, hanging from light fixtures, and just raisin' a ruckus generally. Meantime, the parents just want to calm the wild little animals down...
But alas, some methods of chilling out a rotten little punk are probably a little more appropriate than others. Getting the tike all liquored up, for example -- maybe not the top option available.
Which brings us to one 36-year-old Arizona Mama named Valerie Topete (mug shot above; links at bottom). Here this broad is just trying to enjoy her pie in peace down at the Peter Piper Pizza parlor, along with a big frosty pitcher of beer. Only problem? Little two-year-old Sonny is acting up and "kept reaching for the beer pitcher."
But instead of simply reprimanding this 25-pound punk or telling him to keep his grubby paws to himself, Mama admits she tried to use a little "reverse psychology" (her description) by actually giving him what he wanted over there. Next thing you know, the toddler was swiggin' beer out his sippy cup like he was some sort of wartime sailor on R-and-R!
Unfortunately, however, the party came to a crashing conclusion when another patron called 911 "after seeing the child fall out of his chair, leading the witness to believe he might be intoxicated."
Upon arrival, cops used a little more direct psychology than Mama had, sending her booze-sharing ass straight to the Stir on suspicion of child abuse. No word yet whether or not cops at least allowed Mama & Sonny to polish off that pitcher first.