Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Michelle Obama's Luxury Weekend Ski Trip Cost Taxpayers at Least $83,000." But Ann Romney Rides a Horse, Damn It!

Obama's minions have been spending millions in TV ads recently trying to portray King Flipflopper gop-er presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his wife Ann as being rich, aloof figures who are out of touch with the American people. Featured, for example, is Ann Romney's love of riding horses (Can't have that! How so completely aristocratic!)...

And truth be told, I don't feel much connection to the filthy-rich, say-anything Romney (and don't intend to vote for him), whom I would not exactly describe as being overly connected-in with the average Joe out there on the street.  I credit his lifelong financial success -- but, you see, that sort of wealth (we're talking quarter of a billion, folks) makes it nearly impossible for a man to be overly in tune with Harry the Shoe Cobbler down in the trailer park.

But someone please tell me how in the holy hell Barack Obama and wifey Michelle are any damn different!!!  Obama doesn't have Romney's level of wealth, but he's still worth at least a cool $10 million.  And when he's not attending seemingly never-ending Hollywood fundraisers, the Ivy League "academic" Obama (whom I also will not be voting for) spends taxpayer money like it's going out of style on his far leftist agenda...

Meantime, wifey Michelle spends like a drunken sailor any time she leaves DC.  We've seen her extravagant vacations over the past four years (e.g., link at bottom concerning the new final tally on her February skiing excursion), not to mention her completely tone-deaf penchant for spending big money on taking a different Air Force One than hubby so that she can meet him a few hours later at the latest vacation destination.

Tossing away that kind of taxpayer jack (whether it be on policy or pleasure) in unending terrible economic times does not smack of two people in touch with the rest of us in any way or with whom we should feel any kind of connection -- that BE the Obamas.  But also not a whole hell of a lot unlike Mitt and Ann Romney, sans the spendthrift insanity.

Ultimately, either of these two couples trying to claim they're more in-touch and "ordinary" than the other one is very much akin to a skid row wino claiming moral superiority over a passing hobo.  It rings hollow. And many of us just ain't buyin' it, "Mr. President."  But go ahead and spend your millions. Since that's what you're best at.