Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Mindless Partisan Ideologue Defined:
N.C. Female High School Teacher "Tells Student He Could Be Arrested for Criticizing Obama (But Says Romney's Fair Game)"!

They are what I refer to as Zombies.  Group-thinkers.  Ditto-heads.  The Walking Brain Dead. Or, described simply, partisan ideologues.  And it makes no difference if they are on the far-left or far-right.  Because in their way of thinking, the rules don't apply to them. Rather only to the other side. And the conduct of their side is always defensible, even if they would (and/or have) attacked the other side for engaging in the very same pathetic behavior.

It's a sort of an unthinking, grade-school-level way of looking at the world which is completely foreign to me and which I could never embrace.  And to think, many of these same partisan ideologues are very smart and well-educated individuals in the abstract.  But Oh My God, they are SO brainwashed by their ideologies! I think I'll continue to think for myself, thank you.

And so it is that we reach this morbidly pathetic story out of North Carolina this week (link at bottom) that some leftist 20 percenter high school teacher (and Obama worshiper) reportedly told a student that to criticize Obama could get you thrown in the hoosegow, while criticizing stand-for-nothing, right-winger, gop-er Romney (that's my Copyrighted phrase for him, BTW) is perfectly OK, in contrast.  (Although I laughed aloud when I first read about this teacher, I really shouldn't laugh at the mentally deranged and Undead -- it's rather unbecoming of me).

Never mind that criticizing Obama is fully protected speech for high school students (AND all the rest of us) under the First Amendment (so long as they don't disrupt the educational environment).  Never mind that arresting someone for political expression is nearly unheard of in this country (since we do have that pesky piece of law called the First Amendment).

And never mind, of course, that I've yet to hear before of a piece of legal authority in this country that says it's OK to talk about one of our two rotten political parties just so long as you keep your ass quiet about the other one!  Maybe I was down in the student union playing cards the day they taught that lesson (?).
