Friday, March 2, 2012

"Market Likes Gridlock." Rager Like Gridlock Too. Says to Expect More Gridlock After the 2012 Elections, Which Is Just Fine with Me...

As stated in the linked article this week from CNBC (home of bosomy news babe Amanda Drury, who's pictured at bottom): It's a common Wall Street maxim that "Market likes gridlock." Why, you might ask? "This way, a single party can't mess it up." A-Freakin'-Men...

As I've said before, I NEVER in my life want to see again what we saw in 2009 and part of 2010: One of these two rotten, corrupt, out-of-touch, extreme-controlled political parties having complete control of the federal government (i.e. the presidency and supermajorities in the House and Senate). That was damn scary.

Gridlock is good. Gridlock is your friend.

Hail, Hail, Gridlock-and-Roll!

And expect plenty more of it in upcoming years. The linked article points to's current predictions for this year's elections, which currently have (1) Obama's reelection chances at 60% (personally, I'd say more like 52-53%) and (2) the gop-ers' chances as highly likely of retaining control of at least one chamber of Congress (if not both).

Put another way: The chances are very slim of either party having control of the presidency and both chambers of Congress. And even if that remote contingency occurred, it almost certainly would not have one party controlling Congress with the types of supermajorities necessary (as we saw in 2009 and 2010) to foist through massive pieces of unpopular leftist or right-winger legislation (see, e.g., Obama & the democrat party's health care Monstrosity).

So, as famous law enforcement officer Roscoe T. Coletrain might say: "Good News, Good News!"

[Oh yeah right, here's Mandy!:]